Graduates in service to state & society


Black alumni reception gives students and grads time together

UGA Law Black Alumni Brunch group photo

The annual UGA Law Black Alumni Reception – which gives current students and School of Law graduates an opportunity to network and spend time together – was held in February at the Loudermilk Center in Atlanta. Rev. Dr. Francys Johnson (J.D.’04) served as the event’s keynote speaker. Photo by M. Mixon Photography.


Daniels shares roadmap to success as Early Lecturer

Yvette Daniels

Yvette Daniels (J.D.’89) served as the keynote speaker for the 24th Mary Frances Early Lecture, which honors Early, who helped integrate the university in 1961. Daniels, the director of university relations for the Georgia Department of Public Health, encouraged attendees to step out of their comfort zones, to push themselves and to not worry about what others think. Photo by UGA Marketing & Communications.


University honors law school alums and friends

2024 Alumni Awards honorees

UGA recognized its 2024 Alumni Awards honorees in April. Among them were the School of Law’s Wyck Knox Jr. (LL.B.’64) and David Dove (J.D.’14), who received Family of the Year and Young Alumni honors, respectively. The law school has also received strong support from the Callaway Foundation, which was presented with the Friend of UGA award, and Susan Waltman, who was given an Alumni Merit honor. At the event were: (l. to r.) David Dove, Shell and Wyck Knox and UGA President Jere Morehead (J.D.’80). Photo by UGA Marketing & Communications.