The Distinguished Law Fellowship program gives some of the brightest students at the School of Law unparalleled offerings as they focus on their legal studies.
A gift from the John N. Goddard Foundation established the Distinguished Law Fellowship program in 2016, and today – thanks to the foundation and other donors – the law school has the ability to offer more than 20 full-tuition scholarships and professional development stipends to some of the most academically gifted students at the law school.

Alston Distinguished Law Fellow Michael Sloman (left) graduated in May. He is pictured with his father Jay Sloman (J.D.’94) (right) and University Professor & Caldwell Chair Dan Coenen, who taught both Slomans during their time at the School of Law.
In addition to financial aid, students receive an educational experience that may include domestic and international externships, guided research experiences and opportunities to meet some of the country’s top legal, business and government leaders.
During the 2020–21 academic year, several new fellowships were established or were in the process of being finalized. These include the Frank Stanton Distinguished Law Fellowship, which is funded by the Stanton Foundation, and the creation of a fellowship in memory of the late Carter Chair Emeritus R. Perry Sentell Jr. (LL.B.’58).
These new fellowships join previously created ones that are named for the following individuals, funds and foundations: Philip H. Alston, Jr., James E. “Jim” Butler Jr. (J.D.’77), Robert G. Edge, Kenneth M. Henson (J.D.’47), Edith M. and Frank G. Lumpkin Jr., Law School Association Professor Emeritus John B. Rees Jr. and Joel O. Wooten Jr. (J.D.’75) as well as the Dean & Virginia Rusk Fund, the Veterans Legal Services Clinic Fund, the AnBryce Foundation and the Richard B. Russell Foundation. (Russell was a 1918 graduate of the law school.)
The Distinguished Law Fellows program is modeled after the university’s prestigious Foundation Fellows program, which was established in 1972.